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DeviceCapabilities Enumeration

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Contains constants for determining devices capabilities. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

Namespace:  UsbEject
Assembly:  UsbEject (in UsbEject.dll) Version: (
public enum DeviceCapabilities
  Member nameValueDescription
LockSupported1 Specifies whether the device supports physical-device locking that prevents device ejection.
EjectSupported2 Specifies whether the device supports software-controlled device ejection while the system is in the PowerSystemWorking state.
Removable4 Specifies whether the device can be dynamically removed from its immediate parent.
DockDevice8 Specifies whether the device is a docking peripheral.
UniqueId16 Specifies whether the device's instance ID is unique system-wide.
SilentInstall32 Specifies whether Device Manager should suppress all installation dialog boxes; except required dialog boxes such as "no compatible drivers found."
RawDeviceOk64 Specifies whether the driver for the underlying bus can drive the device if there is no function driver (for example, SCSI devices in pass-through mode).
SurpriseRemovalOk128 Specifies whether the function driver for the device can handle the case where the device is removed before Windows can send IRP_MN_QUERY_REMOVE_DEVICE to it.
HardwareDisabled256 When set, this flag specifies that the device's hardware is disabled.
NonDynamic512 Reserved for future use.
See Also