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Disk Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The Disk type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCapabilities
Gets the device's capabilities.
(Inherited from Device.)
Public propertyClass
Gets the device's class name.
(Inherited from Device.)
Public propertyClassGuid
Gets the device's class Guid as a string.
(Inherited from Device.)
Public propertyDescription
Gets the device's description.
(Inherited from Device.)
Public propertyDeviceClass
Gets the device's class instance.
(Inherited from Device.)
Public propertyDiskNumber
Gets the disk number.
Public propertyFriendlyName
Gets the device's friendly name.
(Inherited from Device.)
Public propertyIndex
Gets the device's index.
(Inherited from Device.)
Public propertyInstanceHandle
Gets the device's instance handle.
(Inherited from Device.)
Public propertyIsUsb
Gets a value indicating whether this device is a USB device.
(Inherited from Device.)
Public propertyParent
Gets the device's parent device or null if this device has not parent.
(Inherited from Device.)
Public propertyPath
Gets the device's path.
(Inherited from Device.)
Public propertyRemovableDevices
Gets this device's list of removable devices. Removable devices are parent devices that can be removed.
(Inherited from Device.)
See Also